Teach na hÉireann- Laughterush

Teach na hÉireann is Gaelic for Irish house- 

We started making these wee houses this summer, using locally sourced timber and taking inspiration from Irish houses as well as houses in Yorkshire- 

We have been asked by a number of customers to design and make wee versions of their homes- this has been an honour and a pleasure to do-

We can’t show all the photos just yet as some are for Christmas gifts but I can show this house- 

Laughterush is located just outside Trillick in Co.Tyrone in Northern Ireland- this is the house my grandparents owned- my grandfather ran a dairy farm here for many years- my mum grew up in this house, it was then handed down to my uncle Barney- the eldest of the McAnespy family.

I knew when I was making this house that I needed to include the huge tree at the front of the house- this tree has featured in many family photos.

Keep an eye out for the other houses we were commissioned to make-

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